jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2020

Weekly Women Entrepreneurship


Estimados alumni,

Les compartimos el evento de Weekly Women Entrepreneurship que se realizará el día viernes 25 de setiembre a las 12 p.m.

Para participar debes de registrarte en el siguiente link

Asimismo, les compartimos los eventos de las universidad socias que también están realizando este evento en sus universidades.

Thursday, September 24th

  • Incorporating Your Business @ 12 pm. Register here. [George Brown University] 

  • Innovation:The Secret to Business Success @ 12 pm. Register here. [Delaware State University] 

  • Removing Barriers to Young Women Choosing Entrepreneurship as a Career @ 2 pm. Register here. [University of Lethbridge] 

  • From Student to CEO: How to Become Your Own Boss and Ditch the 9-5, with Ashley Mason, Founder, Dash of Social + Student to CEO @ 12:30 pm EST. Register here. [Quinnipiac University]. 

  • The Story of Sudara + a Call to Action @ 4:30 pm. Register here. [Ohio University] 

  • Celebrating Women Entrepreneurs Panel @ 6 pm. Register here. [Truman State University] 

  • This is How We Change the World @ 9 pm. Register here. [University of Lethbridge] 

Friday, September 25th 

  • Tara Clark, Founder/CEO, Social T @ 11:30 am CST. Register here. [University of Iowa] 

  • Why Not Me / Women Entrepreneurs @ 12 pm. Register here. [George Brown University] 

  • Supporting Women Entrepreneurs in STEM @ 12 pm. Register here. [University of Lethbridge] 

  • How Social Enterprises are Making Waves @ 1 pm. Register here. [University of Calgary] 

  • Social Entrepreneur Chat, Wendy Diamond @ 3 pm, Register here. [AMA/Jim Barrood] 

  • Tammy Reese, Owner of the Flipping Egg and Serial Entrepreneur. Watch here. [The Gaia Storytelling Project / Dr. D University]. 

Week #2 (Sept 28 - Oct 2)

Watch Anytime

  • Pauline Nakios, Founder/Creative Director, Lilla P, Watch here. [Montclair State University].   

  • LaToya Stirrup, Founder/CEO, Kazmaleje, Watch here. [Montclair State University].   

Monday, September 28th

  • Nuwella Love (Belin, Germany), Founder of Ó Water. Watch here. [The Gaia Storytelling Project / Dr. D University]. 


Tuesday, September 29th

  • Pivot Your Business To Profit Online with entrepreneur Natalia Edelmann @ 10 am EST. Register here. [B.I.G.] 


Wednesday, September 30th

  • 7 Secrets to Building Your Business in Today’s Economy with entrepreneur Lisa Liebermann-Wang @ 12:30 pm EST. Register here. [B.I.G.] 

  • Ashley Weignart, Founder/CEO from Seed to Spoon and Perfectly Imperfect Produce @ 7 pm EST. Zoom here. [College of Wooster] 

  • Women Entrepreneurship Week: Do Good Do Well @ 7:30 pm EST. Register here. [Seton Hall University] 

Thursday, October 1st

  • Tiffany Aliche, Founder, The Budgetnista @ 11 am EST. Register here. [Montclair State University]. 

Friday, October 2nd

  • Claudine Desrosiers (Rimouski, Canada), Internationally Recognized Artist as Art Entrepreneur. Watch here. [The Gaia Storytelling Project / Dr. D University].